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Jesus Dario


Spiritual Healer Jesus Dario was born with gift of healing. Although he had the gift, it wasn't until a family member became ill that he started to use his ability. This powerful healer has sent profound healing to many people as well as Animals. He emphatically states that he's not a Doctor and for people to continue using their Doctors and Veterinarians for their Animals. His healing ability comes from GOD. It flows through him and he's an instrument of  GOD. He has sent healing to Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Africa, India, Columbia, Peru, Israel, Egypt,  Mexico and many more countries. 


El Sanador Espiritual Dario nació con el don curar. Aunque tenia este don, no fue hasta que un miembro de la familia se  enfermo que comenzó a usar su habilidad.  Este poderoso sanador ha enviado una sanción profunda a muchas personas, así como a los animales. Afirma enfáticamente que no es Doctor y que la gente siga usando a sus Doctores y Veterinarios para sus Animales.  Su capacidad de curación. proviene De Dios. Fluye a través de él y el es un instrumento de DIOS. Ha enviado sanidad a Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Africa, India, Columbia, Peru, Israel, Egipto y muchos países mas. 


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