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What is healing?

Put very simply, healing consists in linking  up the natural healing power within the body with the healing power of God. The "healer" is the link. By attuning himself both to the sufferer and the healing power, he serves as the channel through which the energies flow. 


What is its purpose?

The purpose of healing goes beyond securing physical improvement. Its aim is to bring into harmony spirit, mind and body, so that you may lead a full, happy and healthy life.

What are we trying to achieve?

At the end of your session, we want to see. you not only physically well, but living in peace and harmony within yourself.

How about your doctor?

Healing is not intended to be a substitute for orthodox medical treatment. You should continue to consult your doctor. Natural healing does not interfere. with medical treatment. 


Sencillamente es la unión del poder natural curativo del cuerpo y el poder curativo de DIOS. El curador es sólo el contacto. El curador es la unión de ambas fuerzas  atraves  del cual la energía  fluyeres.
La curación no se debe sustituir po su tratamiento médico tradicional. Usted debe Continuar  consultando A SU MÉDICO. La curación natural no  interviene con su tratamiento médico.



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